Refugees in Hong Kong─The Sorrows of Asylum Seekers

The sights of lifeless and dirty refugee children gathering in the tents set up by the United Nation, or a girl whose face is covered in blood, are only seen on news and donations soliciting advertisements, and could never be seen in Hong Kong… or could they?

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We Can Find the Risen Lord Among the Poor


In 1991, CEDAR was born with a Christ-guided vision to alleviate global poverty, during which the rise of globalization and the internet had made the vision ever approachable.

Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me.” (Matthew 26:11) The outlook of poverty seems positive as the population under poverty has decreased from 1.9 billion to 840 million in the past 25 years. Yet during the same period, our workers at CEDAR were overwhelmed by cases where the environmental conditions and resources were still degrading for the underprivileged, due to over-extraction from other countries, climate changes, and civil wars. For some of the people we came to know, safety and dignity were such a luxury when $1.25 USD was all they have. The poor is still here with us, often as a deflating thought.

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A Different Light in the Red Light District—Eden Ministry’s Work in Hong Kong

[ ‘SHARE’ May-Jun 2016 ] TAKING ACTION

Interviewer and Editor: Tsun Wan Yan

We are prone to be judgmental against sex workers and procurers and assume that they voluntarily chose this particular path, which deemed them unworthy of the cry for our help. However, have we ever missed the focus by grappling on the right and wrong of their doings, and forgot that they need people’s caring as much as, if not more than, we do?

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Sustainable Development and Actions| Tsun Wan Yan


Written by: Tsun Wan Yan

We don’t know what our lives will come to in 15 years, not even in 5 days. However, one thing we can be sure of is that every action of ours counts toward our future, even the lives of those in our society and the world.

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Slavery and Trafficking Next Door – Interviewing Harmony Baptist Church

[ ‘SHARE’ Mar-Apr 2015 ] TAKING ACTION

Interviewer >Jojo Poon

Many think that modern slavery and human trafficking happen only in third world countries. However, if you look beyond your closest circles, you might realise that these issues are just at your doorsteps.

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