This is Hong Kong

[ ‘SHARE’ Jul – Sep 2017 ] TAKING ACTION

Author: Tsun Wan Yan

It appears that Hong Kong has nothing to do with human trafficking, and our government did not sign the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking In Persons. In fact, Hong Kong is a port and destination of sold human commodities, and it has been placed on the Tier 2 watch list (same ranking as Afghanistan, Cuba, and Tunisia) for two consecutive years in the Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. Department of State. The ranking describes a country that is experiencing a significant increase in human trafficking victims, and that no tangible measures were established by the authorities. The Hong Kong government denies it has a human trafficking problem, but the Erwiana abuse case in 2014 shocked the city and revealed the hidden side of modern slavery in Hong Kong.

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China to Join the Worst Category of Human Trafficking Statistics in Most Recent Report

The US State Department released its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report on 6/27. The report evaluates and grades the efforts of 180 countries in their fight against human trafficking. For the first time, China was graded Tier 3—the lowest level possible, joining Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

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Build a World Free of Human Trafficking

[ ‘SHARE’ May-Jun 2016 ] FOCUS ~ MINISTRY

Author: Jojo Poon

Slavery is often thought of as an archived piece in the history of humanity existed only in the poorest corners of the earth full of conflicts and incivilities. The sad fact is that the total number of slaves is at a historic high today, spanning across the globe.

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Slavery and Trafficking Next Door – Interviewing Harmony Baptist Church

[ ‘SHARE’ Mar-Apr 2015 ] TAKING ACTION

Interviewer >Jojo Poon

Many think that modern slavery and human trafficking happen only in third world countries. However, if you look beyond your closest circles, you might realise that these issues are just at your doorsteps.

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The Letter from CEDAR | October 2014

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

“Occupy Central” movement eventually happened.  By now, the whole city is weary: bombarded by disputes, experienced a sense of loss in direction, and filled with reflections.  Asking each other, yet nobody knows how this will end!  Some find no hope with the people in Hong Kong. Others find lots of hope with the youth in Hong Kong.  Some might still see a little prospect with the Hong Kong government. Others see prospect too remote with China and even with the global political world! All of a sudden, we realize we have put the fate of our society into the hands of a few who are in powers.  Does God’s power also under its submission? God can bless people in democratic societies.  He can also create miracles in totalistic societies and effect life changes!  His gospel is not subject to any human institution but overrides all of them.  Our God is real, more real than a true democracy!  Whether it is with people’s ideal world or the real world, let us see His presence in all circumstances.  Our society although mixed with people who determine to voice out and people who choose to remain silence, is by large still intact, and have not been torn apart. There are many who are still committed to their families and make contributions to the society.

Continue reading The Letter from CEDAR | October 2014