Build a World Free of Human Trafficking

[ ‘SHARE’ May-Jun 2016 ] FOCUS ~ MINISTRY

Author: Jojo Poon

Slavery is often thought of as an archived piece in the history of humanity existed only in the poorest corners of the earth full of conflicts and incivilities. The sad fact is that the total number of slaves is at a historic high today, spanning across the globe.

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A Different Light in the Red Light District—Eden Ministry’s Work in Hong Kong

[ ‘SHARE’ May-Jun 2016 ] TAKING ACTION

Interviewer and Editor: Tsun Wan Yan

We are prone to be judgmental against sex workers and procurers and assume that they voluntarily chose this particular path, which deemed them unworthy of the cry for our help. However, have we ever missed the focus by grappling on the right and wrong of their doings, and forgot that they need people’s caring as much as, if not more than, we do?

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Deliver Me out of the Life of Sexual Exploitation

Say “No” to arranged marriage

Maria (pseudonym) was born in a large farmer family in Bangladesh. Her parents wanted to marry her off to close relatives. At that time Maria was only 22 years old, but she had already been divorced for three times. Maria rejected another arranged marriage and decided to run away from home.

On the way from the village to the capital, the bus driver noticed Maria. Knowing that she was lost, the bus driver offered to introduce her to work in a factory. To her surprise, the bus driver sold her to a small brothel. Maria was bent on leaving the control of her parents; however, she fell into another trap of oppression.

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