Lord please show your mercy to Hong Kong

[2nd Week “Micah Sunday” Prayer]

Our Lord Most High, you are Lord of the earth and Lord of everything in Hong Kong. Thank you for your grace towards us and please hear our voices as we pray for this place today.

Lord you came down and lived among the poor and promised to never forsake them. There is a large population in Hong Kong who lives under the poverty line right now due to the tremendous income gap, who is not protected and supported by our social security system. Those living in poverty are the ones most affected by the inflation and corporation monopolies, where they struggle to survive and enjoy equality. Lord we are heartbroken by the irony of our society where the streets known for their prosperities are filled with salvagers, beggars, and homeless persons. We pray that you would instill the passion in us to leave our comfort zones and help them with all we have.

Lord we have to also pray for a heightened sensitivity to the neglected ones who we seldom see. Some of those are employed but are not eligible to social securities, who could barely survive on their measly income. They face other problems while dealing with poverty, such as having to work prolonged hours at the expense of their resting time and family time. We pray for better social policies that could benefit those in sore needs.

Development has been humanity’s answer to poverty, yet it is often generating more impoverished people and inequality. Holy Spirit we urge you to put the needs of the working class in the mind of the developers whenever they plan their next step, and please raise our awareness to any injustice to fight against them.

Lord please show your mercy to Hong Kong and show us how you are loving every one of us here. Make us a caring neighbor to each other, who loves with the heart of Christ when walking with the marginalized, and who shout for your justice when facing the injustices of our society.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.