Understanding Integral Mission through God’s Sovereignty


Written by: Dr. Mok Chiu Yau (CEDAR China Programme Advisor)


When presented with so many suffering and adversities on earth, Christians usually respond with sympathy, expressed by charitable giving and voluntary services. But gradually, Christians may realise that the problem of suffering is too heavy and difficult to solve, therefore they think that the paramount thing is to evangelise people. The belief is that once a person (who suffers) knows Christ, he or she can have strength to persevere in the world’s suffering, be comforted by fellowship members, and eventually enters into heaven after death and never suffers. Yet, such belief  is a one-sided understanding of God’s mission to believers.


God’s mission to believers  is a holistic mission. We can understand it based on two biblical aspects. First, God’s mission is the foundation of our mission. Second, God’s mission is the mission of the Kingdom of God, meaning God exercising His sovereignty and transforming the heaven and earth. Believers should take obedience of and witness His sovereignty.

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The Hottest Year, both Literally and for the Development vs. Environment Debate

Temperature in January has fluctuated more than ever, and we could see more short-sleeved pedestrians than before. The climate change has reached the point where 2016 was recorded as the hottest year in the history of recorded temperature since 1880.

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Love Who He Loves—Fighting For The Civil Rights For The Underprivileged

[7th Week “Micah Sunday” Prayer]

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! (Psalms 8:3-9)

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Easing the Twin Afflictions of Poverty and Disease

Poverty and disease are closely intertwined. Unlike developed countries that are well-resourced, those living in poorer countries have a much higher risk of infection since they lack public health facilities and have very limited resources for disease education and prevention. Also, poor patients simply cannot afford expensive treatment and medication; some just have to watch their lives ticking away. Disease could take lives, but unaffordable medication could also be an invisible accomplice to the poor.

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The Letter from CEDAR | October 2014

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

“Occupy Central” movement eventually happened.  By now, the whole city is weary: bombarded by disputes, experienced a sense of loss in direction, and filled with reflections.  Asking each other, yet nobody knows how this will end!  Some find no hope with the people in Hong Kong. Others find lots of hope with the youth in Hong Kong.  Some might still see a little prospect with the Hong Kong government. Others see prospect too remote with China and even with the global political world! All of a sudden, we realize we have put the fate of our society into the hands of a few who are in powers.  Does God’s power also under its submission? God can bless people in democratic societies.  He can also create miracles in totalistic societies and effect life changes!  His gospel is not subject to any human institution but overrides all of them.  Our God is real, more real than a true democracy!  Whether it is with people’s ideal world or the real world, let us see His presence in all circumstances.  Our society although mixed with people who determine to voice out and people who choose to remain silence, is by large still intact, and have not been torn apart. There are many who are still committed to their families and make contributions to the society.

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