Urbanisation Brings Africa New Health Risks

[ePrayer – Pray for Africa]


According to a World Bank report, urbanisation in sub-Saharan Africa accelerates rise in health problems, while more cars on the road are pushing up accident rates. The region has the highest number of accidents, but the fewest vehicles on the road. Younger and poorer people are disproportionately vulnerable: accidents on the road are expected to become the biggest killer of children aged between five and fifteen by 2015, outstripping malaria and IDS. ‘The poorest communities often live alongside the fastest roads, their children may need to negotiate the most dangerous routes to school and they may have poorer outcomes from injuries, due to limited access to post-crash emergency healthcare,’ the report says. The report concerns road safety alongside rising rates of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes and cancer. The shift towards urbanisation is a case in point. City residents typically take less exercise, and thus are prone to diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Rising incomes are driving demand for processed foods that are higher in sugar, fat and salt, as well as alcohol. [Guardian]

Pray for Africa:

  • Remember the plight of the disadvantaged communities under urbanisation;
  • Pray that the government and the NGOs can foresee the new challenges of urbanisation, take the preventive measures and provide appropriate assistance to those in need.

Malnutrition is the Biggest Underlying Cause of Child’s Death

[ePrayer – Pray for the world’s malnourished children]

First Phase Digital

The numbers of humans living on less than $1.25 a day is expected to be halved by 2015, a success for a Millennium Development Goal target set in 2000, however, economic growth does not necessarily reduce hunger especially among the world’s poorest. Under-nutrition is the biggest underlying cause of death in children under five in the world, responsible for 8,000 child deaths each day. In India, child malnutrition has increased in the past decade, despite its economic boom. A report in 2013 estimated that stunting, a form of malnutrition which causes a child to be too small for his or her age, affected at least 165 million children worldwide in 2011, with Africa and Asia showing the highest prevalence. It is said that countries will not be able to break out of poverty or sustain economic advances when so much of their population is unable to achieve the nutritional security that is needed for a healthy and productive life. [Guardian, BBC]

Pray for the world’s malnourished children :

  • Pray that all nations will be committed to supporting reduction in malnutrition to help achieve poverty eradication ;
  • Pray also that child’s nutrition will be improved in order to ensure their lives, health and development.

Impoverished Families in Ethiopia Got Support

[ePrayer – Pray for the impoverished families and children in Ethiopia]


There are 182 impoverished children supported by our partner AAGC. Also, there are more than 210 parents in 11 self help groups (SHGs). 7 SHGs started to provide loans for the members and this activitiy has drawn more and more people to engage in SHGs. A special programme during Christmas and Easter was held and former sponsored young adult were able to share with the sponsored children.

Pray for the project serving the impoverished families and children in Ethiopia :

  • Give thanks that sharing from former sponsored youth at Christmas and Easter programmes have become an encouragement to sponsored children;
  • Also give thanks that 4 children came to Christ and are taking baptism class.
  • One child died of drowning in deep water recently and two mothers died of AIDS. May God comfort their family members.

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Bangladeshi Slum Dwellers Actively Participate in Community Development

[ePrayer – Pray for community development in Bangladesh’s slum]


CEDAR’s partner SATHI encourages people in the slum community in Bangladesh to participate in the development activities and they form self-help groups with their own leadership to set goals for the development of the area. Two People’s Institutions have recently finalised their gender policy and are going to implement in the community. Besides, People’s Institution identified 135 street children for enrolling into primary schools. These children have started schooling since January 2013.

Pray for community development in Bangladesh’s slum:

  • Pray that slum dwellers would act according to the policy to promote gender equality;
  • Pray that the street children are able to adapt to their school lives.

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Other Methods of Payment

  1. Cheque payable to ‘CEDAR FUND’
  2. Deposit to HSBC A/C No. 600-385678-001, enclosing with the Pay-in slip
  3. Autopay (only applicable to regular fixed donations), enclosing with a completed Autopay Authorisation Form (Download: WORD or PDF)
  4. Visa/ Master Card

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Please send a completed Donation Form, enclosing with cheque or pay-in slip, to CEDAR FUND, G.P.O. BOX 3212, HONG KONG.

Donation Form: WORD or PDF

[1] CEDAR is an approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[3] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.

Children Ministry Promotes Transformation in Ethiopia

[ePrayer – Pray for the Children Ministry in Ethiopia]


Give thanks that God use CEDAR’s partner AAGC as a channel of His grace and love to the children and families in these years. AAGC is now serving around 200 children by providing education, food, vocational training and medical help. To ensure well being of children, AAGC also encourages children to participate in some social and spiritual activities. According to statistics, national HIV/AIDS infection rate is dropping and less discrimination is observed in AAGC’s target communities.

Pray for the Children Ministry in Ethiopia:

  • Pray that God to give AAGC the wisdom and strength to serve the communities, including those living with HIV/AIDS;
  • Pray for those families that AAGC is serving. Hope their living conditions can improve and may their lives be full of God’s love and grace.

Civil Registration Protect the Rights of Marginalised Groups

[ePrayer – Pray for better civil registration system in Asia]


Stronger civil registration systems are needed in Asia, home to 60 percent of the world’s population, to ensure the legal and human rights of all. Civil registration is the most basic requirement for individuals to establish legal identity and to formalise family relationships, and is thus a basic responsibility of the state. Without a legal identity, individuals may be deprived of the right of access to key public services such as health, education, social welfare and recourse to justice. Statistics show that only one quarter of the world’s seven billion inhabitants live in countries with registration systems that record births and death efficiently. 51 million children go unregistered each year globally, while in South Asia two out of three children are not registered at birth and thus have no official record of their names, family and place or date of birth. Birth certificates are crucial forms of social protection for vulnerable and marginalised groups such as people in poverty, and such registration can be an effective tool for preventing human trafficking and child marriages. [IRIN]

Pray for better civil registration system in Asia:

  • Pray that governments of Asian countries can take an active role to improve the civil registration system and remove the barriers such as geography, cultural differences, inadequate legal frameworks and provide funds for such changes;
  • Pray for public awareness towards the importance of civil registration and more marginalised group will get registered to protect their rights.