23 Years with the Most Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia

Children living in a slum in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

This verse from the Proverbs is familiar to many Christian parents, and it is many schools and churches’ core value on teaching children. So how should we teach our children? Early exposure of different interests to help children find their gifts? Take various courses to educate children about different knowledge? Choose a reputable school and church to help children nurture good characters?

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Please Continue Your Support to Those Under the Food Crisis of East Africa

The food crisis in East Africa brought by drought and conflicts is threatening the lives of 20 million Africans. Members of the Integral Alliance (IA) are working tirelessly in providing food to Somali, Kenya, and Ethiopia. CEDAR is currently focusing on helping Ethiopia through our local partners and member agencies of the IA.

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CEDAR and Partners Respond to Dire Famine in East Africa

Currently, drought and famine in East Africa are putting 20,000,000 lives in grave danger, and imminent humanitarian help is needed. The members of the Integral Alliance (IA) are constantly monitoring the needs of Somali, North Kaya, and Ethiopia and are actively planning to provide relieves.

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Liberating Female’s Body and Soul from Genital Mutilation

A mere thought of the procedure of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), where a woman’s labia and clitoris are completely or partially removed, causing her virginal opening to be largely covered by the healing scar tissues, casts no doubt on the brutality of such practice. It is further heart breaking to think that the procedure was done to “ensure” pre-marital puberty. Places such as Ethiopia traditionally practices FGM where countless females were damaged both physically and mentally, with the resulting increased birth complication risks and pain during sexual intercourse.

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Men and Women Joined Hands Against Harmful Traditional Practices in Ethiopia

Female genital mutilation is still prevalent in Ethiopia [1]. Such derogative custom brought severe physical and mental distress upon females, and the participation of men is imperative in the fight against the system.

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We Wish a Fruitful Year for the Poor Families from Afar

The Chinese New Year is one of the most anticipated festivals for children, because the elderly will give them red pockets for new-year blessings.  No matter how naughty or shy the children are in the rest of the year, they will greet their parents and elderly to get a red pocket.

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