Dear supporters,
In mid-May, I was appointed as the Acting Chief Executive to continue the work of Dr. Raymond Kwong Wai Man. Although I was not fully prepared for it, I decided to respond with a humbled heart to continue realising our mission: to live out the integral mission of the Church in partnership with Christians around the world.
Indeed, I had some hesitancy in undertaking the new role. However, when I sought God through prayer and meditation, He reminded me of His promise that “I am with you”. Perhaps, that is all I need to know. The future of an organisation does not depend on a single leader, but how well we function as a team. In times of change, our team has always remained passionate, professional and united, which motivated me to keep up the good work of CEDAR and embrace challenges ahead.
As said by Charles Dickens, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Every part of the world is suffering from social unrest and the pandemic situation. It is an unprecedented time in history that we are witnessing the things we have never seen or imagined. As much as the world is penetrated with heart-breaking incidents, we have become more united than ever in facing these adversities.
Back when Hong Kong was at the outbreak of COVID-19, our working from home arrangements did not stop us to care for the poor and marginalised communities. We initiated a number of COVID-19 relief projects in Hong Kong, mainland China and other developing countries in the last two to three months (please see details at All these are not derived from any higher order instructions, but from the genuine love of our colleagues for those in need. Such compassion keeps us fighting and going an extra mile, and this is what defines the spirit of CEDAR.
While I am writing this, the domestic transmission of COVID-19 is gradually under control. However, the pandemic is striking hard the developing world, which is often neglected by local media. In order to arouse public attention to the dire situation of developing countries, we chose “The Vanished Epidemic Areas” as the theme of our flagship fundraising event “CEDAR Barefoot Walk”. (For more information, please refer to the advertisement [Chinese only] on the attached SHARE.) I cordially invite you, your families and friends to come and join us for this meaningful event.
It has been 29 years since the founding of CEDAR. We know we cannot walk through such a long way without your continued support and most importantly, the grace of God. I, together with my colleagues, will not be afraid of the future for God has promised us that “I am with you”. May you keep us in your prayers and continue to walk with us in serving the poor.
In Christ,

Chan Pui Si
Acting Chief Executive
2 July 2020