Mobilising Churches to Serve Their Neighbours

Churches who participate in MBC’s programme realise their mission to serve their neighbours and community through Bible studies

We have shared with you CEDAR’s work in Yunnan in a previous ePrayer where we are actively facilitating churches in China to take part in transforming their own communities. Using the SALT model, we hope to help believers to establish relationship with their community as the salt of the world. We thank God for the great testimonies told by them. Today, we would like to share our similar efforts on mobilising churches in Myanmar to take part in their community.

Over the last three years, CEDAR have been partnering with Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC) to encourage about 50 churches to train their congregation in transforming their communities, using the Umoja approach. Following the lead of the Holy Spirit is a core value of Umoja. Facilitators would conduct regular Bible studies to help believers realise their mission given by God; and through prayer, they would ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to think about ways to practise their faith in their community.

Continue reading Mobilising Churches to Serve Their Neighbours

The Letter from CEDAR | June 2013


▲ CEDAR works with Sichuan churches and Christian groups to implement quake relief work. For details, please click here. ▲ ‘Long term service’ and ‘total commitment’ are required to support communities to face potential disasters. For more information on CEDAR’s approach on relief and rehabilitation, please click here. ▲ CEDAR is a member of Integral Alliance, responding to disasters worldwide in partnership with Christian relief agencies around the world:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

An earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale on 20 April struck Lushan County in Yaan, Sichuan, promptly bringing back the memory of Wenchuan quake five years ago. However, the public media soon turn their focus on whether HKSAR government should grant China 100 million HKD relief fund and the integrity of relief and development agencies. Also many people said, ‘I would not donate any of my money to this relief work.’ These made a huge contrast with the past active response of Hong Kong people to emergency relief, concern for the hardships and needs of victims and touching stories with compassion.

Continue reading The Letter from CEDAR | June 2013