CEDAR Visited Rohingya Refugee Camp in Preparation of Future Relief and Development


(CEDAR’s Project Officer Pui Shan visits a Rohingya family in Cox’s Bazar. The mother, who gave birth to a newborn baby, heard about infant vaccination service during regular household visit conducted by community health workers.)


While strolling through a muddy and dusty field, CEDAR’s Project Officer Pui Shan saw rows of tents sitting next to each other that were simply built by timber and canvas.

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The Plight of Undocumented Children in European Union

[ePrayer – Pray for the situation of undocumented children]

Palestinian children fly kites to show their solidarity with the Japanese people a year after the earthquake and tsunami.

It is estimated that there are between 1.6 and 3.8 million irregular migrants in the European Union. Many of them are children. Most come from other European countries like Turkey, Hungary and Romania, but a large number also come from Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. The reason for migration includes family reunification, protection from persecution, better living conditions, education and economic opportunities. A large number of these undocumented children, mostly from Hungary and Romania, are also victims of trafficking. They can be exploited in prostitution, forced labour, organised begging and can be compelled to commit crimes. [IPS]

Pray for the situation of undocumented children:

  • Pray that the basic human rights of these Europe’s ‘invisible’ children can be protected.
  • Pray also that they can have access to education, healthcare and shelter.
  • Pray that there can be effective measures to combat human trafficking and to reduce the risk of children.