
In Hong Kong, HK$ 3.3 can merely pay for 2 eggs, 1 carton of paper-packed drink, or 1 pineapple bun.  Yet, this amount means a lot to those who are living in poor countries, and brings them substantial changes and hopes.

“At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.” (Deuteronomy 14:28-29)

In the era of Old Testament, God has already proclaimed His will to support the poor. In particular, He called for His people to share their possessions with the needy. As time goes by, churches are still striving hard on poverty alleviation work. We cordially invite you to proceed with this mission and share your warmth and love with them by simply saving and donating HK$3.3 a day.


A donation of HK$ 3.3 per day (as HK$100 per month) brings tremendous blessings to the needy in poor areas:-3-3_11

  • 5 months of wheat powder and oil for a family from Ethiopia.
  • 4 months of oil for a family affected by the earthquake in Yunnan, China.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
  • 1 month of nutritious meals for 8 children in Myanmar.
  • 1 training workshop for Women Network Group in Nepal.
  • 1 workshop on anti-trafficking and HIV/AIDS for slum community in Bangladesh.
  • 1 year of school uniform and stationery for a student in Zimbabwe.
  • Application for identity documents for 3 children in Zimbabwe to enable their full enjoyment of citizenship rights.

*Any of the above items could be achieved with your donation of HK$ 100 per month


Download the application form and Direct Debit Authorisation Form. Please send the filled form to G.P.O. Box 3212 Hong Kong or fax to 2392 2777.
For inquiry, please contact Ms. Kwan at 2381-9627.

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