Looking back at CEDAR’s past 30 years, we have seen countless smiles of the poor. We believe that these smiles represent God’s work in transforming the lives of many, bringing them out of darkness into the light, alleviating hunger, saving the trafficked and comforting those who feel discouraged to allow them to realise their intrinsic value and dignity.


CEDAR’s mission of serving the poor “From Church, Through Church” has remained consistent for the past 30 years. During this time, our partnerships have only increased. These include overseas partners, local churches, donors and supporters. Everyone has made huge contributions to participate in God’s ministry together. Hopefully, this mission will live on to do God’s work in the foreseeable future.


Here are the MV and lyrics of the theme song (Chinese only):  



Theme song “Beyond Feeding the Poor” (“豈止溫飽” in Chinese)
Music composer: CEDAR Fund
Lyrics composer: CEDAR Fund
Arrangement: Sunny
Singer: Rachel, MT

回望事隔多年 泥餅這深刻片段 使命仍繫上心弦
人不得溫飽國度 惡耗能讓教會聽見
攜手與基督教會 叫病貧弱勢得安然
能讓人身心得富足 感激祢

用愛 來導引一眾僕人
像祢 能熱熾關愛貧窮
願意 來學效祢釋放隸奴 啊 (願他可 離黑暗入快樂)

主愛可 折斷貧賤苦楚
主愛可 叫孤寡得協助
挪走痛楚 叫世界得釋放(齊觀看 神轉化的工作)

饑渴的 得三餐沒壓力
失喪的 重尋人生價值
蒙轉化的 見證祢不朽愛


回望事隔多年 泥餅這深刻片段 使命仍繫上心弦
人不得溫飽國度 惡耗能讓教會聽見
攜手與基督教會 叫病貧弱勢得安然
能讓人身心得富足 感激祢

用愛 來導引一眾僕人
像祢 能熱熾關愛貧窮
願意 來學效祢釋放隸奴 啊 (願他可 離黑暗入快樂)

主愛可 折斷貧賤苦楚
主愛可 叫孤寡得協助
挪走痛楚 叫世界得釋放(齊觀看 神轉化的工作)

饑渴的 得三餐沒壓力
失喪的 重尋人生價值
蒙轉化的 見證祢不朽愛


回望路過多少年 蒙福這艱辛窄路 慶幸能為愛走遍
如今這基督使命 盼望能續永伸延
能讓人身心得富足 豈止溫飽