Cold Wave Relief in Bangladesh

people are suffering outside having no warm clothes

Cold wave is sweeping across countries in South and East Asia, including Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been reeling under bitter cold weather from mid-December 2013. Thick fog added with the lowering of temperature has been causing immense suffering to people. The wind blowing from the Himalayas has intensified the cold and will continue over North, North-West and South regions of the country. The meteorological office warns that another one or two cold wave will hit the country in this month. The lowest temperature of the country is likely to be 6.5°C – 9°C. The cold wave has also caused crop and other natural resource losses. Winter crop failures will result in greater poverty, poor dwellings, and seasonal unemployment.

CEDAR has granted HKD 46,800 to support partner KOINONIA to provide shawls to 2,350 people of 8 districts especially to the helpless cold victims, children and elderly people to save them from dying of cold chill and of diseases.

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CEDAR responds to the need of various disasters with ‘Emergency Relief & Disaster Preparedness Fund’. Please donate to support our relief work.

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[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
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CEDAR’s Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Past:
CEDAR Approach on Relief and Rehabilitation:

Emergency Assistance to Cold Wave Victims in Bangladesh

[ePrayer – Pray for Cold Wave victims in Bangladesh]


The country has been experiencing its record lowest temperature since 1968. Severe cold wave is sweeping over the north and west regions of Bangladesh. CEDAR’s partner KOINONIA said, ‘People there are crying for the support while near about 100 people died in last 24 hours [on 8 January] according to the Disaster Management Bureau of Bangladesh.’ Many people have suffered from cold-related diseases. Another one or two cold waves will hit the country in coming two months. CEDAR is going to allocate funds to our local partner KOINONIA to respond to the dire needs of the victims.

Pray for Cold Wave victims in Bangladesh:

  • Our partner KOINONIA has collected warm clothes for sufferers; pray that partner is able to raise sufficient fund to purchase 10,000 blankets;
  • Pray for involvement of local churches in distribution of blankets to the victims;
  • Pray also health and survival of Cold Wave victims.