Integral Mission: A Christian Response


Exploring Integral Mission in Today’s World—Integral Gospel (1)

There have been endless discussions, arguments and criticisms in the history of Christianity around evangelism and social concern. Since World War II, there is a fresh wind of dialogue among different theological camps. We could see from documents coming out of the first Lausanne World Congress on Evangelism in 1974 that evangelical churches around the world affirmed the stance which upheld the importance of both evangelism and social concern. The proliferation and full realization of Integral Mission, however, is yet to be achieved. The Chinese churches, in particular, have yet a long way to go…[Read more]



Exploring Integral Mission in Today’s World—Integral Gospel (2)

The Cape Town Commitment of Lausanne III 2010, with reference to the Micah Declaration released by the Micah Network in 2001, presents Integral Mission as the inseparable nature of gospel proclamation and social involvement. Since its inception in 1991, CEDAR Fund has long been a member of Micah Network whose 300 plus members have been working tirelessly to address the global concern over poverty issues, research and theological reflection upon myriads of serious poverty issues. A decade later, Micah Network has embarked on reviewing the Micah Declaration in the hope of enriching its content to better address the present day situation around the world in a manner that reflect God’s mission and the role of the Church… [Read more]



Exploring Integral Mission in Today’s World—Integral Gospel (3)

It would be quite natural for us to think of ways to change the world once we have touched on the issue of “Mission”. In fact, it is we who should change first so that our lives and thoughts be transformed to live out the Gospel. In the previous two installments, I shared with you the multiple-faceted meanings of Integral Mission which is established on the basis of the Integral Gospel. We should not allow our limited knowledge, experience and culture, etc. to restrain the breadth and depth of the Gospel… [Read more]