Help the Mountain Minority Groups Take Their First Step in Development


Ethnic minorities living in the northern mountain range of Thailand had been scattered around the boarders between Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Yunnan, China, and move around to cope with environmental changes. A large amount  of people of the tribes are not officially registered, in turn they have a hard time finding education, employment, and legal ownership of lands.

CEDAR’s longtime partner, the Upland Holistic Development Project (UHDP) in northern Thailand, has been aiding the minorities to achieve self-sufficiency by using small pieces of lands besides their homes for rising organic crops.

“God has prepared every fertilizer and nutrient that a farm would need upon His creation. It’s us who brought upon the environmental destruction and resources imbalance,” said Tui, the head of UHDP.

Tui is also from one of the tribes in northern Thailand, whose ancestors came from Myanmar. His work has not been limited to serving his own people, he has also partnered with Full Moon, CEDAR’s partner in Myanmar, in the promotion of effective and low cost organic agriculture using natural resources, to benefit the Burmese tribes in the mountains.

UHDP believes that self-sufficient agriculture is an effective way of food cost reduction. The money saved could be used for improving the people’s living conditions—a major step to alleviate poverty. Your donations could improve their lives tremendously:

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