Keep Haiti in Our Prayer

The Haiti hurricane happened a month and a half ago and we have been keeping in touch with the rescuers and organizations. The restoration progress was far from optimal, in some case degrading, in Haiti with emerging health and sheltering challenges. Our prayers and awareness to the conditions of this island country in the Pacific is still sorely needed though media interest has died down.

Pajé, a teacher who fortunately escaped to a town nearby with her mom during the hurricane Matthew, was greeted by seriously destroyed debris when she returned home. Tears came down as she found that place could no longer be called home with the entire roof gone. She is in desperate need of a shelter and a job now, as the school she taught in could not operate in the near future.

fb20161124Pajé, couldn’t help but cry as she went back to her ruined home.

Myriam had it worse than Pajé. She witnessed her roof being blown away and her walls wobble as cracks develop along them and on the ceilings. Her husband was killed in the incident, leaving her and their three children behind. As the rescuers found her, void of financial support in a ruined community, she said, “I could only pray that this will come to an end… I’m totally lost.” With the water supply shortage in the affected area, she said she would drink from any water source, which painted a worrying picture.

servilmyriam2day3pinkhouse_fin5073Myriam gravely lost her husband in the disaster and had no answer for the grim future.

CEDAR will continue to partner with the member organizations of the Integral Alliance (IA), including Food for the Hungry, Medair, MTI, and World Concern Haiti in providing the most needed emergency relieves such as food, water, and shelter. We aim to satisfy the basic survival needs of the victims by distributing food, health care items, water filters, etc. The alliance is also developing a social and infrastructural prevention system with the experience gained from this disaster, where the local church networks and organizations would better react to further occurrences.

Please continue to support Haiti as it has been distressed beyond what the country could afford.

Being a member of Integral Alliance (IA) ourselves, CEDAR supports other IA members to provide emergency relief to Haiti. We urge you to act now and support our work.

Relief Donation:

(Please mark “Emergency Relief”)

[1] All funds received will go to CEDAR’s Emergency Relief and Disaster Preparedness Fund. Funds will be deployed to support the emergency relief in Haiti according to the budget devised from the disaster evaluation.
[2] CEDAR is an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[3] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[4] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.

Contact Method:

Add>G.P.O. Box 3212Hong Kong

CEDAR’s Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Past: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief/
CEDAR Approach on Relief and Rehabilitation: http://cedarfundeng.wordpresss.com/relief-approach/

*Integral Alliance is a global alliance of 23 Christian relief and development agencies, working together to present a more effective response to poverty worldwide. CEDAR Fund is one of the member agencies.