Nepal Earthquake Relief Project – Year 1 Annual Report

“The earthquake has destroyed our house and everything we owned. We are so lost and helpless.” Sharmila and her family of 6 formerly settled in Nuwakot, an area in the north of Kathmandu. The 7.8 earthquake in 25th April last year took away everything they owned, leaving their home in ruins and rubbles.

Sharmila’s husband initially planned to find a job in the city, so that he can quickly earn some money and build a temporary shelter for the family. Yet, the unceasing aftershock made it very difficult for him to proceed.

In fact, villagers can easily build a temporary shelter just by using two pieces of zinc plates and some all-purpose wire. Praise God for His provision, our partner in Nepal, Share and Care Nepal, were able to prepare enough materials to be deployed in Nuwakot, providing earthquake victims with the first step in rebuilding their homes.

“Thank you Share and Care Nepal for their timely help.” The gratitude is not only directed to our Nepal partners, but also to each of our donors, who have silently prayed and supported us behind the scenes continuously.

Last year, we have received support from over 60 churches and fellowships, 10 Christian organizations, as well as over 300 individuals, raising up to HKD 6 million for the relief work in Nepal.

Thanks to you and your support, together with 8 Nepal partners, we have launched 19 relief projects in 10 of the quake-effected areas, reaching the following accomplishments:


Facilitated 5,099 families in building temporary shelters
(The above photo shows the temporary shelter that our partner, Leadership Training Department, have built for low-caste families)


Distribution of food for 79,299 victims

Distribution of livelihood and education materials for 3,978 victims

Providing 4,208 families with clean drinking water, sanitation and health aid

Local churches and Christian partners served the communities after the earthquake, bringing hope to victims, and helped the community in understanding more about Christianity and the church.

Another partner of CEDAR, Institute for Theological Education by Extension of Nepal (ITEEN) has also provided Zinc sheets for village victims in Dahding provinces in central Nepal and Tibet. Local leaders were pleased by the work of ITEEN, and said “We apologize for how we’ve persecuted Christians in the past, it was indeed wrong of us as Christians are indeed our good neighbors.” We are delighted to see how servanthood of Christians brought peace between religions in the villages.

People continued to worship God even in a tattered church.

Zinc sheets covered by waterproof tents will create temporary shelter for the victims.

In the coming year, CEDAR will continue to work in quake-affected areas in Nepal:

Please continue to pray for our earthquake relief projects in Nepal.

Pray with us:

Pray for local churches as they explore how they can be salt and light in their communities, and to serve in very difficult circumstances.

Download relief project report video: