25 August, 4 months after the earthquake in Nepal on 25 April, Tang (a member of CEDAR Relief Team) came back a week ago to report on the current state of Nepal after the earthquake.
Currently, many affected families still have to reside in tents. Many villages in the mountain have been severely damaged and not suitable for residing. Earthquake victims were scattered to mountainside or the woods in the plains to live in crude canvas shelters. Some locations are filled with over 400 families, much like a refugee camp. Tang interviewed the earthquake victims residing in Dhading and Nuwakot about their living condition. It was discovered that the living condition in Dhading was acceptable thanks to the support provided by various humanitarian agencies. However, due to the lack of support from humanitarian agencies in Nuwakot, poor hygiene and security now pose significant danger to female and children.

Our partner organisation Share and Care Nepal (SCN) is the only organisation staying there to provide aids in the temporary refugee camp in Nuwakot. A number of children could not continue their studies in their original schools (which affected their progress significantly), some even considered giving up. Most worryingly, the local government asked the victims to leave after the monsoon season (about 2 months from now) without providing any plan for relocation.
Our other local partner Leadership Training Department (LTD) built zinc houses (which are good for heat dissipation and effective against rain) for 100 Dalit[1] families through local churches in Southern Dhading. They are now planning to build zinc houses for 45 more Dalit families.
The local partners of CEDAR Fund is waiting for a decline in seasonal rain in September to conduct a second round of assessment for restoration and rebuilding including: recreating an economy, training for women, microfinance, and house and school construction.
Furthermore, human trafficking is a serious problem after the earthquake, a local newspaper quoted a local government official saying that the number of identified human trafficking cases had doubled. CEDAR Fund is contacting various Christian organisations that prevent or oppose human trafficking to ascertain their situation needs.
Remember in prayer:
- May the Lord show mercy to the earthquake victims especially those living in temporary refugee camps, cleanse their dwelling, supply them with food, protect the elderly, women and children and confound the plan of human traffickers.
- We pray that children who cannot go to school will have a chance to be educated.
- May the Lord protect the frontline workers who have to travel across different affected villages and refugee camps.
- We pray that the local government can come up with a plan to resettle earthquake victims, particularly those who have to reside in temporary refugee camps. May the Lord guide the local government and humanitarian agencies in working out a plan for rebuilding.
- We praise the Lord for opening the hearts of the victims, through the ministry of local churches they are willing to understand the working of the churches. Parents allow their children to join church activities. May the Lord’s blessing be like rain, raining all over the land in Nepal and touch the lives of those are suffering
Please continue to support the disaster relief and recovery work in Nepal! Your donation can bring emergency relief, post-trauma support, and rehabilitation to those affected by the earthquakes.
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- Cheque payable to ‘CEDAR FUND’
- Deposit to HSBC A/C No. 600-385678-001, enclosing with the Pay-in slip
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(Please mark “Nepal Earthquake Relief”)
[1] CEDAR is an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[3] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.
Contact Method:
Add>G.P.O. Box 3212Hong Kong
CEDAR’s Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Past: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief/
CEDAR Approach on Relief and Rehabilitation: http://cedarfundeng.wordpresss.com/relief-approach/
*Integral Alliance is a global alliance of 21 Christian relief and development agencies, working together to present a more effective response to poverty worldwide.
[1] Dalit means “the oppressed”, it is the lowest caste in the caste system, often derogatorily called the “Untouchables” because of their unhygienic occupation.