Annual Report 2013-2014

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CEDAR’s Vision and Mission

In Christ we build a just and compassionate world together.

To live out the integral mission of the Church in partnership with Christians around the world by:
>Caring for the poor and disadvantaged people
>Facilitating the transformation of lives and communities
>Advocating and practising social justice

 About Our Five-Year Strategic Plan from 2010 to 2014

Select several poorest countries as focus countries, retaining local partners capable of running comprehensive development programmes.

Encourage/assist these partners through professional training and partnership support.

Mobilise and encourage Hong Kong churches and Christian groups to respond to poverty and injustice locally and elsewhere.

Network with different organisations, strengthen communication and cooperation, enrich programme diversity, and take action to effectively respond to poverty and injustice.

Thanks for your company on the journey of transforming life


Yunnan churches receive ‘Integral Mission’ training and go into the community to meet the needs of marginalised people. In Gengma, Yunnan an old man single-handedly raises his little granddaughter. For years his life is troubled by problems caused by his drug-addicted son. Members from Gengma Church visit him regularly to provide spiritual support and to assist him in rearing chickens for a living.


Through community development projects, villagers in Orissa learn to collaborate and organise, and to discuss with the local government about employment planning during fallow periods, so villagers can earn a living without having to travel to faraway cities.


In mountain areas of Nepal, women suffer from early marriage, often causing them to drop out of school. Some leave their village for work and alas become the victims of human trafficking. CEDAR supports Nepal’s partner Share and Care to provide women ’empowerment’ programmes, such as literacy training, life skills and income generation projects. “I have suffered from being  trafficked and do not want anyone to suffer that” says 24-year old Asmita.

CEDAR supports partner SATHI to serve slum dwellers in Bangladesh, turning their living space into an area of peace. They have organised and trained dwellers into self-help groups to promote community development in education, employment and medical services, etc. 30-year old Safia applies what she learned from business training and earns extra income from home by selling clothes.

It is estimated that 30% of Zimbabwe’s population live with HIV/AIDS, and nearly 900 thousand HIV/AIDS orphans suffer from bereavement and life with no family support. CEDAR’s partner FACT cares for these HIV/AIDS orphaned families by providing basic living and spiritual support. Jesman (left) graduates from college, becomes a teacher and starts a life of independence.

CEDAR supported Integral Alliance in providing emergency relief to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, with emergency food and water, blankets, mat and hygiene kits. Typhoon Haiyan tore off half the house of 53-year old Susaina but thankfully all family members were safe. “I don’t want to go through another typhoon, or see anyone harmed by one; I want my home rebuilt.”

Project Focus Countries

Looking Forward

Hong Kong and the world are entering an unprecedented time and the rich-poor gap becomes a most significant tension, causing all sorts of radical changes politically and economically. Both Hong Kong citizens and Christians are facing challenges that we cannot ignore. The mission of both the society and the church does not allow us to look after only our own prosperity and stability. CEDAR and our partner-churches and organisations have always been in the frontline witnessing human injustice and its resulting damages; when believers in Hong Kong rise to join in, our space for exchange and collaboration grows bigger. CEDAR will study and assess the projects in our focus countries to make them more appropriate for present-day situations and find a new way for the poor. CEDAR will also be more in touch with churches and share our vision and experience with believers in Hong Kong, thereby edifying them, and offering up to God our manpower and material resources.

CEDAR’s Chief Executive
Chan Nim Chung

Financial Report