Iraq Crisis Appeal: Join Hands to Bring Hope to Iraq Displaced People

Since the start of 2014 more than 1.4 million Iraqis have left their homes because of fighting. Some 850,000 people, more than half of the total number, have been made homeless in the last two months. In parts of Iraq minority groups, like Yazidis and Christians, are under threat of forced conversion, fines and even death.

Tearfund UK, a member agency of Integral Alliance, have sent a working team to Iraq to find out what the latest situation is. Some of the needs are obvious – people need somewhere safe to stay, where there is shelter from the harsh sun during the day (temperatures are up to 44°C) and a sense of security at night. Many people desperately need food and water. The fighting has damaged infrastructure and water supplies are disrupted in several places. Combined with the heat, being able to get water is becoming a matter of life or death.

In such a very difficult environment, people will be scared and doing all they can to keep their families safe, while at the same time grieving and dealing with their own trauma. Children will have seen things they shouldn’t have even imagined possible, and many will be struggling to sleep, with fear and nightmares. With no respite in sight, parents will be worried and anxious, facing each day as it comes. At the moment, they won’t be able to reopen in the new school year, the country is facing an entire generation without an education.

CEDAR Fund, as a member of Integral Alliance, will support the emergency relief work of Tearfund UK & IA members, to bring hope to the Iraqi displaced families.

Please give now!

Your money can provide shelter and basic life necessities to those most in need in Iraq and the surrounding region.
HK$460 can provide a family forced to flee their home with a month’s essential food and hygiene supplies in the region.

Join with us in praying for peace and stability in Iraq:

Emergency and Relief Donation

(Please mark “Humanitarian Relief in Iraq”)

[1] CEDAR is an approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[3] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.

Contact Method

Add>G.P.O. Box 3212 Hong Kong

CEDAR’s Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Past: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief/
CEDAR Approach on Relief and Rehabilitation: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief-approach/