Mainland Churches Actively Respond to Zhaotong Quake Relief

[Update on Zhaotong Quake]

After the 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit Ludian County in Zhaotong, churches in Mainland China have swiftly responded to the need. Sichuan Luzhou Gospel Hospital and Zhaotong City Christian Council have dispatched their teams to Yinchang Village in Huodehong township, Ludian, delivering mineral water, instant noodles, quilts, rice and single sized shelters to the victims.

There are 924 households totalled 3,872 people in Yinchang Village. The quake damaged or collapsed over 90% of the houses. Bodies of water created by the blocked River Niulan submerged two blocks of households. Shelters, quilts, folding-beds, rice and cooking oil are most needed in the quake area.

“A village head from Yiliang, whose village was one of the beneficiaries of CEDAR’s emergency food supply after Yiliang Quake in 2012, led over 30 villagers to take part in the relief work in Ludian County. In spite of the danger of aftershocks, the group bravely went to the epicenter area and assisted by rescuing the injured and digging out the bodies. Their action is arisen from empathy as they have experienced the same trauma before. I am deeply moved by their active and unselfish response. Our former beneficiaries are now giving their helping hands to others in need!” said Lorraine, CEDAR’s staff in Yunnan.

‘When one party suffers, thousands come and help.’ Praise the Lord! Churches in Zhejiang province have already raised RMB 250,000 to support the Zhaotong City Christian Council in carrying out their relief work. CEDAR’s staff are now on their way to the quake affected region and will assess the needs and collaborate with the local churches, in formulating a working plan of quake relief, community rehabilitation and disaster management work.

Emergency and Relief Donation

Please make cheque payable to ‘CEDAR FUND’

(Please mark “Yunnan Zhaotong Earthquake Relief”)

[1] CEDAR is an approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[3] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.

Contact Method

Add>G.P.O. Box 3212 Hong Kong

CEDAR’s Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Past: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief/
CEDAR Approach on Relief and Rehabilitation: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief-approach/