The Violence in Myanmar Bringing Negative Impact on Children

[ePrayer – Pray for Myanmar’s Rakhine State]

Valerie Amos Visits Myanmar

Since June 2012, Rakhine State in Myanmar has been the site of inter-communal violence and caused tens of thousands of people displaced. The latest wave of violence broke out on 29 September in the southern town of Thandwe subsequently spread to several townships. Deaths have been reported, along with the destruction of some 110 homes. It also caused a new wave of displacement of families and added to the fears of those displaced last year. UNICEF is concerned that displacement puts children at greater risk of family separation and domestic violence, they miss out on schooling and too frequently they experience physical and emotional damage. Besides, the polarization resulting from ongoing inter-communal violence could stall or put the many important reform processes currently underway in Myanmar at risk, with negative repercussions for all of Myanmar’s children. Therefore, peace-building and reconciliation activities must be prioritized in view of children’s rights and future. [UNICEF]

Pray for Myanmar’s Rakhine State :