Collective Bargaining Secures Workers’ Rights

[ePrayer – Pray for the collective bargaining]

The global economy is no more secure today than it was five years ago. International institutions have failed to regulate greed and prevent the next banking crisis. More than 200 million people will be without work; 40% of them are young people. Almost 75 million people lost their jobs in 2012 alone, and this is expected to increase this year. Increasing numbers of workers are being forced into short-term contracts or the informal economy, with low pay, no benefits and no job security.

International Trade Union Confederation’s (ITUC) latest report provides an analysis of the actions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to weaken collective bargaining. In the last few years, the IMF has utilised its lending programmes, regular reviews of country performance and research activities to attack collective bargaining in Europe. The reforms supported by the IMF are very similar across a range of countries, and this “one size fits all approach” harks back to the much criticised structural adjustment programmes of the 1980s and 1990s. While the statistical evidence shown in the report told us that those countries with strong unions, high collective bargaining coverage and synchronised collective bargaining systems have distinct economic advantages. [ITUC]

Pray for the collective bargaining: