Taking Precaution

[ ‘SHARE’ Mar-Apr 2014 ] FOCUS ~ MINISTRY


Compiled and written by> Jojo Poon

Kalapara lies in the southernmost part of Bangladesh, where each rainy season causes great concern to its inhabitants. Memories of past typhoons and floods bring fear: lives, crops and houses may not survive the coming ones.

‘Our villagers are mostly illiterate and have no knowledge of disaster prevention, so any natural hazard would result in heavy casualties and property loss.’ High-school girl Mitu told CEDAR’s partner World Concern Bangladesh about her village. Last May the whole village was anxious about surviving the coming storms but the fight against the latest level-10 cyclone rewrote the villagers’ fatalistic attitude to facing disasters.


From help-less to self-help

It was a frightening event when cyclone Mahasen directly hit Kalapara with winds of 90 km/h, flattening houses along the coast. Yet after the cyclone, residents were nonetheless thankful, and the community volunteers felt greatly encouraged. The disaster prevention and mitigation measures learnt from World Concern Bangladesh over the past three years have come into good use.

When the Bangladesh Meteorological Department forecasted that the tropical cyclone along Bangladesh’s southeast coastline had intensified to a hurricane-strength storm and was heading towards the southern coastal regions of Bangladesh, World Concern Bangladesh immediately contacted the area’s Community based Disaster Management Committees (CDMCs), launched emergency responses including issuing flag-warning and broadcasting, and summoned volunteer rescue and first aid teams, as well as preparing several shelters to be used.

‘One single flag hoisted by the village volunteer signifies that a natural disaster is coming, two flags warn people to look for a safe shelter nearby, and the highest warning of three flags means people should hide their possessions and dry foods under the floorboards and then hurry to a safe place immediately to save their lives.’ Mitu is one of those who learned this flag-warning mechanism and this helps illiterate villagers to identify different levels of disaster and respond accordingly.

Before Mahasen hit, the CDMCs managed to evacuate 4,000 villagers in time and no life was lost. This experience made the Kalapara residents see how they do not have to be helpless and resign themselves in face of a disaster – casualties can be prevented through communication, organisation and collaboration.

From disaster relief to disaster prevention

India faces as many disasters as Bangladesh. In July 2004, India’s Bihar State had the worst flooding in 50 years, affecting nearly 10,000 villages and 21 million people. Years of flooding have made Bihar State one of the poorest provinces in India.

CEDAR’s partner EFICOR has over 40 years of disaster relief experience and knows well that many rural communities of Bihar State have for a long time suffered in the vicious circle between disaster and poverty. EFICOR realises from experience that mere provision of disaster relief cannot deliver the affected communities out of their dire straits.

Since 2003, EFICOR has tried to promote community-based disaster management, setting up CDMCs made up of 7-10 resident representatives. They then liaise with the local government to relay the villages’ disaster prevention needs as well as assist in planning the regional disaster prevention strategies. Further, young villagers are organised into five special teams of warning, rescue, first aid, shelter management and relief management. The communities’ disaster prevention and resistance ability is raised through training and regular drills.

Residents of Bihar State at a rescue drill

Facing relentless disasters, the villagers no longer just look after themselves and are not passive victims anymore. Through disaster management and mitigation training, the villagers not only learn to effectively prevent and fight against disasters, they also learn to work with each other and consider other people’s needs. ‘Instead of each person thinking about his/her own needs, the villagers now think about how the community as a whole might benefit. For instance, instead of installing hand-pumps in front of every door-step, villagers now consider installing the hand-pumps in strategic locations realizing that this would help more people during the floods.’ An EFICOR worker says.

From sighing to collective planning

Since 2009, CEDAR has directly started disaster mitigation and management programmes in China’s Yunnan, Hubei and Sichuan etc., giving disaster prevention training to the local communities, churches and schools. Villagers there who had witnessed many disasters often told us, ‘There is not a year without a disaster.’ This shows how they strongly believed that they could not resist disasters coming their way.

Disaster mitigation training aims to break this age-old thinking. During the training the people will usually find possibilities and resources within their own community and assess their potential disaster resistance ability; at the same time they review recent disasters and plot the months and types of frequent occurrences thereby working out feasible disaster prevention strategies.

A Yunnan pastor who attended the training told us, ‘In the workshop we found out that fire hazards were the most frequent in our community and happened a lot at a certain time. So during the dry season we have voluntary rangers watching out for forest fires. Further, since some villagers can only speak local dialects, special volunteers are appointed who would listen to the radio broadcasts during the rainy season and then give early warning of flooding.’

Disasters may be relentless but there is a bond amongst people. We are emotionally touched when we learn of disasters far or near and are often ready to help with relief. But prevention is better than cure, so let us walk with potential victims by taking the earlier step of disaster prevention and mitigation.

Joy at receiving aid, but the fight does not end here.

Related information

Hazard is something natural or manmade that can cause danger, loss or casualty, such as earthquake, flooding, storm, epidemic, war and economic crisis. A hazard itself does not form a disaster; a disaster is caused when hazard is coupled with environmental vulnerability.

Vulnerability is the inability of people to forecast or resist hazards and recover from them due to potential factors which can be economical (unstable livelihood / lack of credit facility), natural (deficiency in natural resources), constructional (flaws in construction designs / building on unstable slopes), personal (illiteracy / marginalised groups / chronic illnesses) and social (social unrest / bad leadership).

Disaster management includes a series of interrelated disaster risk reduction programs: disaster prevention and resistance, post-disaster rescue and recovery, and disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation composes of long-term actions taken to reduce immediate and potential hazards and vulnerabilities so as to mitigate the impacts of disasters upon the community and the environment; actions include promoting disaster resistance education, improving social and environmental planning and advocating disaster resistance strategies.

This issue


Support CEDAR’s Disaster Management and Mitigation Works

A regular drill taken by post-disaster first aid volunteers

[ ‘SHARE’ Mar-Apr 2014 -Taking Precaution ] STEP INTO THE WORLD


CEDAR is currently carrying out disaster management and mitigation programmes through her partners in China, Bangladesh and India, helping residents of frequent disaster areas to increase their disaster prevention and resistance ability and to reduce potential threats. Programmes include:

  • Providing community representatives with skills enhancement on pre-disaster forecasts, disaster management, evacuation, post-disaster rescue and first aid;
  • Setting up volunteer teams for pre-disaster forecasts, evacuation, post-disaster rescue and first aid;
  • Setting up disaster management committees to assess the communities’ disaster vulnerability and resistance ability, and organise communities to take disaster prevention measures;
  • Sponsoring the improvement of communities’ disaster prevention facilities.

After attending a CEDAR’s disaster prevention training, a teacher from Sichuan says, ‘Apart from adding knowledge on disaster prevention and emergency evacuation, I have also learned how to relay disaster prevention information to my students in daily teaching.’ Now the school has regular evacuation drills, so should disaster come unexpectedly, teachers and students can respond calmly.

Please support CEDAR’s ‘Emergency Relief and Disaster Preparedness Fund’, enabling CEDAR and her global partners to promptly respond to disasters and help impoverished areas carrying out disaster prevention work.

Villagers record time and frequencies of disasters to plan prevention.

Donate Now! Click here.

Other Methods of Payment

  1. Cheque payable to ‘CEDAR FUND’
  2. Deposit to HSBC A/C No. 600-385678-001, enclosing with the Pay-in slip
  3. Autopay (only applicable to regular fixed donations), enclosing with a completed Autopay Authorisation Form (Download: WORD or PDF)
  4. Visa/ Master Card

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Please send a completed Donation Form, enclosing with cheque or pay-in slip, to CEDAR FUND, G.P.O. BOX 3212, HONG KONG.

Donation Form: WORD or PDF

[1] CEDAR is an approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[3] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.

This issue


Why Sigh and Not Reduce Carbon Emission? | Tiffany

[ ‘SHARE’ Mar-Apr 2014 -Taking Precaution ] TAKING ACTION


Author> Tiffany Lam

When a disaster strikes, everything valuable seems to vanish in a moment. What can man do but sigh? You might think that the photo was taken from a landfill, but it is Basey, a picturesque and fertile land west of the Philippines with a thriving fishing industry.

Human beings seem to be very passive and can do nothing to avoid or control an unforeseen disaster. Disasters happening far-away seem surreal and irrelevant. But is it really true that we have no relation to the disasters such as Typhoon Haiyan hitting the Philippines in 2013, severe droughts and famines in East African countries in 2011, floods across South Asia in 2010, Africa’s droughts and floods in 2009, and the Sichuan Earthquake in 2008?

Human relationships with God, others and the earth are broken. Immeasurable destruction is caused by selfishness, naivety and greed when human exploit and thoughtlessly develop natural resources. Melting glaciers in the North Pole caused by global warming may take years to affect Hong Kong, but this is a grave matter for people living in low-lying lands. Residents of Basey told us, ‘Super Typhoon Haiyan causes massive destruction. In recent years, we, especially the coastal inhabitants, have been threatened by frequent flooding and what worse is the flood level gets higher every year – a mere “amber rain warning” can mean a rise of water level of over a meter.’

How do Christians respond to ecological imbalance and ever greater hardship of disadvantaged groups? CEDAR is holding her annual Carbon Fast during Lent so that Christians can through meditation and reflection renew their personal life and their relationship with God, individuals, communities and the earth. This year’s theme is ‘Reduce Carbon Emission ~ Share Our Love’, with an objective to show that our action is not merely a virtue or purely for preservation of environment, but should reflect external practice of our internal reflections, our belief turned into action, and real practices to care for our neighbours and faraway people who suffer from climate problems. Dear readers, rather than sighing over natural and manmade disasters, let us take positive action and reduce carbon emission. Carbon Fast 2014 awaits your participation!

‘Carbon Fast’ website: http://cedarcarbonfast.wordpress.com/

Tiffany graduated from bible seminary and joined CEDAR last August, taking part in mobilising churches to practise Integral Mission. 

This issue

Richness in Poverty | David

[ ‘SHARE’ Mar-Apr 2014 -Taking Precaution ] CEDAR’S BLOGGER


Authro> David Mok

After working in the pharmaceutical industry for almost twenty years; I left my career life in 2010 and went into study in a bible seminary for life transformation. After graduation in 2013, God led me to join CEDAR to learn how to be His faithful servant.

In the past I did not pay much attention to the needs of the poor but through the service in CEDAR, God shows me how He cares so much for those oppressed by poverty. CEDAR’s Chief Executive Dr. Chan Nim Chung often comments that the world of the poor only lacks material goods but is rich in other aspects. This is paradoxical and not easy to understand; until I visited Africa in last November.

In Zimbabwe I met a few students who receive support from CEDAR’s partner. Although they live a very harsh life, they always praise God and the hymns they sing showing their overflowing joy deeply touch my heart. In Ethiopia I visited a mother with her 8-year old daughter; they have only US$0.50 to spend each day and their home is virtually empty. However the little girl has an unforgettable smile always on her face, a smile that is not easily seen even in Hong Kong. These encounters help me to understand more about the Lord Jesus’ comforting words to the church in Smyrna, ‘I know your… poverty (but you are rich)…’ and His warning to the church in Laodicea, ‘…you say, “I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing” – and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor…’ The situations of these two early churches are very different and worthy of consideration by the churches of today.

Almost one quarter of the children in Zimbabwe are AIDS orphans and their local communities have set up Child Protection Committees making up of adults who voluntarily look after the children, giving money, support and love. Their behaviour helps me to understand Jesus’ words to His disciples after His resurrection, ‘As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ Father God sent our Lord Jesus to be the Incarnate Word among us; God is abundant but for us, He is willing to share with us His all.

‘Sharing’ is an expression of God’s love. Our world too much emphasizes on the value of ‘possessing’ and it seems that we will need to go against the mainstream if we are to return to the teaching of the bible. I thank God for helping me to learn from the poor and pray that in future I will work harder to practice the bible’s teaching in life.

David is responsible for CEDAR’s administration and development work. Previously he was in commercial management. He joined CEDAR last August after graduation from bible seminary.

This issue

Who Is Willing to Be Their Neighbour?

[ ‘SHARE’ Jan-Feb 2014 – Who Is Willing to Be Their Neighbour? ] FOCUS ~ SOCIAL CONCERN


Interviewed and written by> Jojo & Tiffany

In September 2013 the HKSAR Government has set the poverty line for Hong Kong to be 50% of median monthly household income, and the Policy Address in January 2014 has announced a series of poverty amelioration measures. A poverty line may help the Government set appropriate poverty alleviation policies, but data and a line cannot define or reflect the real situation of poverty and the voices and expectations of marginalised groups.

The three interviewees below are from different origins and backgrounds. You may see from their sharing how the personal experiences and life expectations of different social groups among them display the uniqueness in life value that is beyond numbers and a line.

Continue reading Who Is Willing to Be Their Neighbour?

Support the Community and Churches in Pakistan in Facing Domestic Violence

[ ‘SHARE’ Jan-Feb 2014 – Who Is Willing to Be Their Neighbour? ] STEP INTO THE WORLD


In Pakistan, women are often victims of domestic violence and they are traumatised both physically and mentally. Yet, the society they live in rarely acknowledge the situation.

CEDAR’s partner CGDC launched amongst churches in Pakistan the first ever project that focuses on women abuse, and advocates on Christian family values. It also teaches what the bible says about family violence. In the first six months of project period, CGDC provided related trainings in four churches and held a nation-wide conference against violence on women.

Partner will continue their advocacy in Pakistan seeking to eliminate any form of women abuses:

  • mobilising local churches to care for and support affected families through visits, seminars and conferences;
  • holding nation-wide conferences for more awareness on how to respond to and prevent women abuses;
  • collaborating with organisations and churches in raising community awareness and understanding of women abuses.

Please support the ministry of CGDC, bringing to the vulnerable women in Pakistan safety and dignity!

Donate Now! Click here.

Other Methods of Payment

  1. Cheque payable to ‘CEDAR FUND’
  2. Deposit to HSBC A/C No. 600-385678-001, enclosing with the Pay-in slip
  3. Autopay (only applicable to regular fixed donations), enclosing with a completed Autopay Authorisation Form (Download: WORD or PDF)
  4. Visa/ Master Card

Download Donation Form

Please send a completed Donation Form, enclosing with cheque or pay-in slip, to CEDAR FUND, G.P.O. BOX 3212, HONG KONG.

Donation Form: WORD or PDF

[1] CEDAR is an approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[2] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[3] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.