Haiti Hurricane Matthew update

Integral Alliance launched a Disaster Response for Hurricane Matthew on 6/10/16. Seventeen Integral Members have now opted into the response, with a further one considering how they can be involved …

Overall it is estimated that 1.4 million people have been affected by this Category 4 Hurricane which struck the southwest coast of Haiti 0700 local time (1200 GMT) on 4 October. According to the latest government figures, 1,410,900 people, including 592,600 children, are in need of humanitarian aid. So far, at least 1,000 people have been reported dead. More than 200,000 houses have been severely damaged or destroyed. [Source here].

Six of our Members have existing long term work in Haiti – Food for the Hungry (USA), Medical Teams International (USA), Tearfund (UK), World Concern (USA), World Relief (USA) and World Renew (USA and Canada).  A further ten Members – CEDAR Fund (Hong Kong),International Health Partners (UK)MAP International (USA), SEL (France), Tear (Netherlands), Tearfund (Belgium), Tearfund (Ireland), Tearfund (New Zealand), Transform Aid (Australia) and World Relief Canada, work with Haitian Partners or are supporting other Integral Members.  Medair (Switzerland) have deployed a multisectoral team for this disaster. Coordinated assessment teams have been gathering information on the needs in nine of the most affected communities in the South West of the country. Field activities include the distribution of emergency supplies, including tents, metal roofing, food and clean water, and medical assistance. This month 510 cases of cholera have been reported and an estimated 60,000 people are in need of emergency health services.

Chris Sheach, World Concern’s Disaster Response Director, says, “The fact that this is an Integral joint response means that we are able to do simultaneous assessment across all our locations in the country. We are pooling our resources in order to move faster.”

Fiona Boshoff, Director of Integral Alliance, comments: “Haiti still needs so much help. I have been impacted by reading about all the communities assessed by our joint team now only able to eat one meal a day. With media interest in Hurricane Matthew dropping and the needs still being so desperate, it is imperative that we keep this situation in our hearts and prayers. I have been very moved to see the level of coordination in this Integral joint response on the ground in Haiti, and how other Integral Members have been quick to share resources, launch campaigns and raise funds. I am also confident that through our joint action we have been more able to overcome some of the serious logistical challenges and reach more people with life-saving assistance.”

The information below was collected during a joint needs assessment in nine of the most affected communities carried out by four Integral Members working together:


Keep Haiti Hurricane victims in your prayers and keep on supporting our work.

Relief Donation:

(Please mark “Emergency Relief”)

[1] All funds received will go to CEDAR’s Emergency Relief and Disaster Preparedness Fund. Funds will be deployed to support the emergency relief in Haiti according to the budget devised from the disaster evaluation.
[2] CEDAR is an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please click Inland Revenue Department website to check for details.
[3] Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.
[4] Please DO NOT fax any donation information.

Contact Method:

Add>G.P.O. Box 3212Hong Kong

CEDAR’s Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Past: http://eng.cedarfund.org/relief/
CEDAR Approach on Relief and Rehabilitation: http://cedarfundeng.wordpresss.com/relief-approach/

*Integral Alliance is a global alliance of 23 Christian relief and development agencies, working together to present a more effective response to poverty worldwide. CEDAR Fund is one of the member agencies.